Superhero Snapsuits

Superhero Snapsuits[pullquote_left]Even Younger Justice! “[/pullquote_left]


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Sure, your kids are super, but are they Super? In case you need help (which we know you don’t… this is here for the OTHER people), we’ve put together a little guide of characteristics which might be indicative of which superhero your little one is leaning toward:

  • Batman: Plays with your cell phone, the remote, any gadget. Highly active at night.
  • The Flash: Takes off as soon as he or she hits the floor, crawling with incredible speed.
  • Green Lantern: Throws a lot of temper tantrums. An early sign of Indomitable Will.
  • Superman: Pulls him or herself over tall crib dropsides in a single tumble.
  • Wonder Woman: Holds discussions with stuffed animals. Can fend off diaper changes with wrist action.

If you can’t be sure at this early stage, go with the JLA blocks creeper. Why learn your ABCs when you could learn your JLAs? Gotta get their priorities right from the start.